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LeapIT Training

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The LeapIT Difference

Our training program is biased toward performance and takes a common sense approach to get people to the skill level they need to reach success in a working client environment.  


Formal class (physical and virtual) training along with Labs are only one component of the LeapIT experience. The formal training is complimented and supplemented by both hands on Team Lead coaching and individualized Mentoring that covers both the classroom and Client assignment for ongoing immersion growth.


With other programs, anyone can take a course or sit for a certification.  Certification often does not mean practical application, nor is it an indication of excellence in working with teams and understanding your business.


Training and subsequent certification is only a portion of the LeapIT program. LeapIT training goes beyond the technologies, as we intentionally include Dale Carnegie and industry value chain education to support our teams on how best to work with others, and, immerse them about your business.  Associates will also get coaching and hands-on experience at client sites as well as mentoring over the course of their term.

The LeapIT  
TRIangle Method


Technology - Custom designed training based upon client environments. AWS and Azure cloud-based training. Other technologies such as Angular, ASP, C#, Python, .NET, SQL, Java, Cucumber, Ruby, SpecFlow, Jenkins and many others as needed.


Rigor - Applying discipline, rules, thoroughness, consistency and real world challenges to the classroom in the realm of development, engineering, QA and DevOps.  This includes fundamentals on Agile and information and glossary of terms regarding your business.


Interpersonal - Mentoring and coaching for each Candidate, using the Dale Carnegie leadership methodology to ensure ability to work with others.

Compare LeapIT Certification to other similar programs.

multiple classes
over a long
period of time

UR Full Stack

Comp TIA



one class
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*At LeapIT, there are no up-front costs and all training is free if the candidate completes the program successfully.



No Known Course or Material Provided

Limited or introductory Material

Training and Material specific and deep enough to being productive at a Client assignment

Training to be productive at Client assignment, material to continue study and sit for Vendor Certification

Comprehensive Training and Material – enough to sit for Vendor Certification

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Richmond, Virginia

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